Good Afternoon, Amigos!
We spent approximately $56,000 in 2023 for our mission in Honduras.
Here is the breakdown:
General Expenses (Repairs, Maintenance, Utility Bills, etc., for our compound): $10,000
Staff (Hogar staff and volunteers support; watchmen for our compound): $7,000
Hogar (Orphanage repairs, special events, supplies, medicines, clothing, etc. for the children at the Orphanage): $12,000
Student Aid (Tuition and support for Marbella): $7,000
Clinic (Preparation for the opening of our diagnostic clinic): $9,000
Travel Expenses (Paid for by team-members' contributions): $11,000
Thank you for making this mission possible. We couldn't do it without you!
Our 2024 spring-trip dates: March 1-8, 2024. Let me know if you are interested in joining us.
Please find attached two Christmas photos. Many of you made it possible for them to receive Christmas gifts. Thank you!
With gratitude,
PS. Have a blessed New Year!